With the process of aging comes change and depreciation of the body, but however, this can be combated with the help of balanced nutrition and exercise as this will assist in maintaining bone density, muscle strength and skin integrity better.

Eating a standard nutritious food like whole grains, vegetables, fruits and low-fat milk can assist in maintaining your physical body along with your mental state. In addition, to ensure healthy body and mind, sleep at least seven to nine hours.

  1. Eat a Healthy Diet

While aging maintaining nutrition is crucial, for it assists you in combatting health issues. It is wise to target a balanced meal that contains fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, lean proteins and a sufficient amount of fats along with reducing intake of salt and sugar.

As per basic understanding women take supplements for nutrition loss, but food still is the most reliable source of basic vitamins and minerals leaving vitamin and mineral supplements apart. If bone health is your concern, aim to achieve calcium requirements through intake of milk, yogurt or cheese along with sardines or salmon canned with bones.

Good dietary habits assist a woman’s body with bone growth which helps with conception and even assist with dealing with pre menopausal and post menopausal symptoms. They can also add to their nutritional inch by introducing food items like soy beans which contain isoflavones that is a good source of estrogen as well as fiber and healthy fats. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist for more such healthy dietary advice

  1. Stay Active Often

Studies have shown that women are less active compared to men. But exercise is crucial to delaying the onset of many chronic diseases such as hypertension and heart disease whilst aiding in one’s wellness. According to Medline Plus, exercise is considered to increase stability and reduces the chances of falling, something that can result in severe fractures.

And in some cases, exercising is even suggested to improve brain efficiency. Having a fit routine exposes your brain to various growth factors enhancing various neural pathways improving cognitive function.

As most women age, the consumption of food items such as fresh vegetables and fruits, lean protein, whole grain and healthy fats is extremely important. A balanced diet is essential in minimizing risks such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension, and lead to a healthier lifestyle and optimal weight.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

There are several reasons women require more rest than men, such as hormones fluctuations which occurs during pre-menstrual and menopausal phase together with conditions like insomnia, sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome which seem to be more common among them.

There are adverse effects of lack of sleep ranging form insomnia to increased chances of heart disease, diabetes and depression. To take a good quality sleep is as important to one’s health as eating well and exercising regularly.

According to The National Sleep Foundation, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention clearly stated that less than two thirds achieve this goal regardless of the fact that adults aged 40 to 59 indicate that eight hours is sufficient.

If such a situation does arise then you can speak with a doctor who can recommend a treatment after understanding the underlying medical issues which are agitating the situation. It is imperative to fall into a routine by sleeping and waking up at the same hours, switching off electronic devices half an hour before bed time. Also, sleep in a room that is dark and plenty cool.

  1. Keep Your Social Life Alive

For women, as they get older, it becomes progressively more difficult for them to feel socially included, however, remaining socially active is one aspect of old age which can enable one avoid things such as depression, memory loss, or even low self-esteem and improves life in general.

There is a continuous cell loss as one continues to age but eating the right food and exercising can delay the rate of loss. However, when someone isolates themselves from family and friends, they are bound to suffer more health complications and their life expectancy is cut short as compared to a person who stays socially engaged.

To enhance your mental health, you might think about becoming a part of social organizations, or perhaps yoga classes or tai chi. You could also have the option to do some volunteering or work part time. Be sure however that every approach you choose involves engaging with happy people a lot which may be in person or through other means since hobbies such as gardening or even painting can help in making friends more easily!

  1. Handle Everything

Life without stress is impossible, but as one gets older, it becomes much more challenging. This is because our bodies can no longer handle stressors as well as they once could after certain periods; in addition to this, we may whiff out on dealing with psychological or emotional stress.

One constructive way of achieving this in conjunction with the joy of doing activities is to stay engaged and active socially and physically so that one can keep healthy bonds that in return contributes to better life satisfaction by averting and curing feelings such as loneliness or clinical depression.

As you get older, nutrition can give you both mental peace and physical health so do your best to follow a balanced diet which contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Try to add in more whole foods like vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds to meals and pick meat and dairy that is lower in fat. In addition, reducing your intake of sugar and salt may help lower your chances of developing some chronic diseases such as heart disease or high blood pressure.

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